From Wounded Healer to Shadow Alchemy, Karmic Clearing, Quantum Manifesting & Experience Design, I’m not a Therapist in the traditional sense.
Here’s parts of my story.
My journey into healing began with facing the traumas of my own life. As a child, I experienced the chaos of divorce, family dysfunction through alcoholism, and the projections of unhealed traumas onto innocent children. The pain of watching “perfection” unravel into despair led me to construct a protective facade, hiding broken pieces behind the need to survive, pushing myself past my limits and burying unmet needs so that I could be the ‘strong’ one.
At 20, a life-altering crisis shattered this false identity, exposing deep wounds I wasn’t conscious of before. What I had buried deep within me started to show up as chronic anxiety, depression, PCOS, cystic acne, insomnia, amenorrhea, body dysmorphia, 11 food intolerances, orthorexia and suicidal thoughts. Stripped of the confidence I needed at this age, I began searching for deeper answers beyond conventional solutions that were attempting to paint the leaves green.
This search first guided me towards Eastern medicine, where the integration of mind, body, and spirit felt like coming home to something I deeply understood. Inspired by this holistic approach that I was healing from, I decided to become a Practitioner of Systematic Kinesiology (TASK), exploring how the subconscious mind and our energetic environment influence physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health.
My fascination with the interplay between science and spirituality deepened as I expanded my studies to include Hypnotherapy, NLP, CBT, Rapid Transformational Therapy and Part’s Work (IFS). Each modality added a piece to the puzzle, helping me to connect the dots between trauma, the subconscious, and the energy systems that govern our lives, further extending my awareness of trauma through the “The Advanced Master Program on the Treatment of Trauma” with NICABM.
Then in 2019, my nervous system was ready to go deeper. Shadow work found me during a pivotal moment of surprising rage that I had never felt before. My intuition guided me through a series of practices I later came to discover were shadow work practices; untapped gifts I hadn’t explored suddenly came online.
As a student I was ready, so the teachers began to appear, bringing me face-to-face with the profound connection between archetypes, the collective unconscious, and the anatomy of the soul. Through a combination of devoted self-study as well as becoming a SEER facilitator through the guidance of my life changing spiritual teacher OpenHand, it became clear that wholeness, in the sense of truly embracing and embodying “I AM” consciousness, required turning toward, not away from, the shadow.
Today, a decade of continuous study and practice with clients from all over the world, has developed into a path I can confidently call my dharma, my soul’s purpose and how I am choosing to serve the shift happening in the minds and hearts of humanity.
In the last 2 years, The Compassion Key, a powerful methodology that clears karmic imprints, has become my favourite way of blending modern psychology, spiritual wisdom, and intuitive healing into an inner journey of self-discovery and freedom that collapses time and shifts outer timelines. I have become a Practitioner in Compassion Key, and progressing towards Master and Circle Leader status.
In the last year, the teachings from Dra Rocio Rosalez Meza on “Decolonial Shadow Work” have also profoundly impacted my work now, bringing together underlying motivations into full consciousness and directing energy towards right relationship, with self, with other and with our environment as a sacred act of rebellion.
My approach now centres on de-armoring the heart, unraveling false identities, and offering compassion to the unseen parts of ourselves that when brought into consciousness with love, open up new possibilities and potentials that restore self esteem and activate co-creative powers that were previously lying dormant.
In my own shadow work process over the years, I have integrated the Artist that I abandoned for some part of my life, reviving my creativity and opening up opportunities in my life that I had previously shut down. I believe this archetype is an expression of self that we all inherently have as Creators, and now I take great joy in reviving the inner Artist within those I work with or those I encounter through my Experience Design Collaborations.