Choose the timeline,

where the Power of Love prevails,

over the love of power.

  • "The compassion key changed my life. Pearl’s mastery of the tool and capacity to hold space for me to heal unconscious, broken parts of me truly was the most surprising, transforming process."


  • “Something really powerful happened yesterday. In the last 24 hours my world completely changed. It’s brought me to my knees in tears of joy and gratitude, the miracles have begun and I’m so grateful. Thank you for your exquisite care and skill you put into this gift. You understood me better than Psychologists with PHDs that worked with me for years.”


  • "Pearl accompanied me for this extended period of time, guiding me though deeper inner work process’ based around shadow work. I have her to thank for a great deal of the inner strength I have discovered, for the knowledge and the wisdom that I collected into actions aligned with my true self. Pearl will take you somewhere very new on this incredible journey." Alessandra

  • "It’s really hard to find a therapist that I resonate with and who truly gets it. I’m feeling very unintentionally emotional right now. Thank you so much. This is magic and life changing."


“The stories people tell have a way of taking care of them. If stories come to you, care for them. And learn to give them away where they are needed. Sometimes a person needs a story more than food to stay alive.”


In the novel “The book of longings.” by Sue Monk Kidd, the main character Ana comes to the profound realisation that “every pain in this world just wants to be witnessed.” This stayed with me - as clear and precise as it is, most pain in this world is buried within the unconscious - hidden, rejected, not seen and therefore greatly misunderstood. These untold stories then become the script within someone’s life, whether they like it or not.

Because of this, many untold stories of deep suffering remain as blindspots that unconsciously ‘vacuum’ in specific pain points into someone’s life. Why? Because this is the deeper Law of Attraction. The old stories someone unconsciously holds to be true, comes into their reality to be consciously experienced, so that new choices are available. However without care and attention, these old stories attempting to evolve, become patterns that continue to crystallize around a reality that keeps manifesting.

Over time, if the story does not evolve, and the response is the same every time, this can lead to a deterioration of one’s life force energy. Held back in the past, one’s mental, emotional and spiritual health suffers. This is also why certain loops and cycles lead people to feel stuck experiencing ‘the same thing’.

This is what is called ‘Karma’, which means ‘to learn’.

Often people who suffer feel somewhat comforted by the notion that “this is the way that it is.” and even though in some cases this can be true, where the choice seems to be made for us, like unexpected loss, when it comes to how you respond to anything that happens in your life, this statement only reenforces the story of powerlessness that the pain and suffering resides in - but you are a Co-Creator - you are more powerful in your ability to participate in the unfolding story than you might currently believe.

The Four Noble Truths in Buddhism are:

The truth of suffering

The truth of the cause of suffering

The truth of the end of suffering

And the truth of the path that leads to the end of suffering.

The stories that once divided us through separation consciousness are fast becoming the ways that will unite us stronger than ever, not without the pain, but because of our individual and collective experience of core wounds that make us more similar than we are different.

For those who are paying attention, the story is changing, and you are evolving with it.

The path forward is Unity Consciousness, and we’re all invited, naturally so, by the cosmic order of things.

I’ll see you on the quantum flip side,




My Practising Magic:

RTT Hypnotherapy & Cl. Hypnotherapy

Kinesiology & Emotional Freedom Technique

Part’s Work (Internal Family Systems)

Advanced Master Program on the Treatment of Trauma (NICABM)

Depth Psychology | Shadow Work

Compassion Key Practitioner

Quantum Manifesting (SEER Facilitation)

Immersive Experience Design

Current 1:1 offerings:

Compassion Key & Soul Alignment

(minimum 4 session package for first timers)

1.5 hours each session - £600 total

  • Mixture of Parts Work (IFS)

  • Compassion Key Shadow Work

  • Soul Alignment


RTT Hypnotherapy Package

(4 weeks)

8 hours total - £888

  • 3 hours deep dive RTT & Shadow Work

  • Bespoke hypnotic re-programming recording made just for you

  • 3 Compassion Key | Soul Alignment Sessions (1.5 hours each)


Goddess-ence -Heroine’s Journey Group Programme (12 week journey)

2024 cohort complete

2025 Dates TBC


No matter the chosen path, I always offer a 30 mins Clarity Call, to connect with you and help you to choose the best option for you given the support you are currently looking for.

Hi beautiful soul,

My name is Pearl and I know that if you’re here, then we’ve found each other. The way that I may be called into your life at this time is to help you meet the unseen parts of yourself and to offer these parts the compassion they didn’t even know they needed to receive. Perhaps I’m here to help you speak your truth from the heart, and ground new experiences into aligned action that rightly positions you in this universe as a Co Creator.

However I come to be of service to your awakening, I honour your soul’s pace, understanding that while the ego rushes, the universe reflects your truth with perfect timing. My role isn’t to tell you what’s best for you but to help you open your heart, remove its armour and listen to your inner wisdom—the guidance you’ve always had.

Some of the greatest experiences in my life have come through great risk, trusting the unknown and following the path less travelled.

If that’s what it takes to live a life that’s authentic to you, I’ll help you to do the same, one step at a time.


  • “Working with Pearl was like coming back to my true self and being able to love her for all that she is.”


  • “Through this process, I’ve truly seen myself, embracing layers of doubt and fear with newfound courage.”


  • "It really blew me away how acknowledging the shadow parts in ourselves can shift our energetic field and support our path towards wholeness and radical acceptance - a whole new space has opened up inside!”


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